Calculate daily basal energy expenditure and calories burned during activities
Individual information
You can enter up to 4 activities. For each activity, choose a MET value based on the dropdown menus or enter your own MET value. See the Compendium of Physical Activities for a long list of activities and their MET values.
After you enter your MET value, enter the duration of the activity in minutes. Calculations are based on activities performed in one day.
See calories for more on the calculations performed here. See weight loss for more
information on weight loss.
Bicycling 10 - 12 mph (6.8 METs)
Bicycling 12 - 14 mph (8 METs)
Bicycling 14 - 16 mph (10 METs)
Bicycling 16 - 19 mph (12 METs)
Bicycling > 20 mph (15.8 METs)
Mountain biking - general (8.5 METs)
Mountain biking - uphill, vigorous (14 METs)
Mountain biking - competitive racing (16 METs)
Stationary bike, 30 - 50 watts, light (3.5 METs)
Stationary bike, 51 - 89 watts, light (4.8 METs)
Stationary bike, 90 - 100 watts, moderate (6.8 METs)
Stationary bike, 101 - 160 watts, vigorous (8.8 METs)
Stationary bike, 161 - 200 watts, vigorous (11 METs)
Stationary bike, 201 - 270 watts, vigorous (14 METs)
Sit-ups/abdominal crunches, light (2.8 METs)
Push-ups/sit-ups/pull-ups/lunges, moderate (3.8 METs)
Push-ups/pull-ups/jumping jacks, vigorous (8 METs)
Pilates, general (3 METs)
Yoga, Nadisodhana (2 METs)
Yoga, Hatha (2.5 METs)
Yoga, Surya Namaskar (3.3 METs)
Yoga, Power (4 METs)
Running up stairs (15 METs)
Running 4 mph (13 min/min) (6 METs)
Running 5 mph (12 min/min) (8.3 METs)
Running 5.2 mph (11.5 min/min) (9 METs)
Running 6 mph (10 min/min) (9.8 METs)
Running 6.7 mph (9 min/min) (10.5 METs)
Running 7 mph (8.5 min/min) (11 METs)
Running 7.5 mph (8 min/min) (11.5 METs)
Running 8 mph (7.5 min/min) (11.8 METs)
Running 8.6 mph (7 min/min) (12.3 METs)
Running 9 mph (6.5 min/min) (12.8 METs)
Running 10 mph (6 min/min) (14.5 METs)
Running 11 mph (5.5 min/min) (16 METs)
Running 12 mph (5 min/min) (19 METs)
Rowing, stationary, moderate (100 watts) (7 METs)
Rowing, stationary, vigorous (150 watts) (8.5 METs)
Rowing, stationary, vigorous (200 watts) (12 METs)
Rowing, canoeing, 2 - 4 mph (2.8 METs)
Rowing, canoeing, 4 - 6 mph (5.8 METs)
Rowing, competitive, > 6 mph (12.5 METs)
Baseball, general (5 METs)
Basketball, general (6.5 METs)
Basketball, shooting baskets (4.5 METs)
Boxing, general (12.8 METs)
Boxing, punching bag (5.5 METs)
Boxing, sparring (7.8 METs)
Football, touch or flag (8 METs)
Football, playing catch (2.5 METs)
Golf, walking, carrying clubs (4.3 METs)
Ice hockey, general (8 METs)
Rollerblading, 9 mph (7.5 METs)
Rollerblading, 11 mph (9.8 METs)
Rollerblading, 13 - 13.6 mph (12.3 METs)
Soccer, competitive (10 METs)
Softball, general (5 METs)
Tennis, singles (8 METs)
Tennis, doubles (6 METs)
Volleyball, competitive (6 METs)
Volleyball, beach (8 METs)
Backstroke, recreational (4.8 METs)
Backstroke, training, competitive (9.5 METs)
Breaststroke, recreational (5.3 METs)
Breaststroke, training, competitive (10.3 METs)
Butterfly stroke, general (13 METs)
Crawl, ∼50 yards/minute (8.3 METs)
Crawl, ∼75 yards/minute (10 METs)
Freestyle, moderate (5.8 METs)
Freestyle, vigorous (9.8 METs)
Sidestroke, general (7 METs)
Water aerobics (5.5 METs)
Level surface, < 2 mph (2 METs)
Level surface, 2 mph (2.8 METs)
Level surface, 2.5 mph (3 METs)
Level surface, 2.8 - 3.2 mph (3.5 METs)
Level surface, 3.5 mph (4.3 METs)
Level surface, 4 mph (5 METs)
Level surface, 4.5 mph (7 METs)
Level surface, 5 mph (8.3 METs)
Stair climbing, slow (4 METs)
Stair climbing, fast (8.8 METs)
Circuit training, moderate (4.3 METs)
Circuit training, vigorous, minimal rest (8 METs)
Curves® routines for women (3.5 METs)
Weight lifting, slow or explosive (5 METs)
Weight lifting, vigorous, body building (6 METs)
Basal energy expenditure (BEE)
BEE + activities
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Parameter definitions
Weight loss
For weight loss, a person must consume a 500 calorie/day deficit for 1 week to lose one pound
For example, based on the calculations above, a person would consume
for that day to achieve a 500 calorie deficit
See calories and weight loss for more
Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) - One MET equals 1 calorie per kilogram of body weight per hour. One MET is equivalent to the amount of energy
a person would expend sitting quietly and doing nothing. MET values for a long list of activities can be found in the
Compendium of Physical Activities .
Basal energy expenditure (BEE) - BEE is the amount of energy required for the body to sustain normal life processes. The BEE is calculated
using the Harris-Benedict equation (see calories for more). The BEE from the Harris-Benedict equation is then multiplied by a factor
of 1.3 to get a basic sedentary (minimal activity) metabolic rate.
BEE + activities - BEE + activities is the BEE plus the amount of calories burned for each activity entered. One MET is subtracted from each
activity in this step because the MET values in the compendium include basal calories that are burned during the exercise (equal to one MET). We used the Harris-Benedict equation to calculate
basal calories so we adjust for this by subtracting one MET.
Activity - This represents the total number of calories (basal + extra calories from activity) burned during the activity. It is calculated using
the MET value for the activity and multiplying it by body weight in kg and duration in hours.